Privacy Policy

Privacy Policy
Last Update : 09, July, 2024

This Privacy Policy is designed to provide you with a better understanding of how we collect, use, and store your information. As technology and privacy laws are constantly evolving, we may periodically update this policy. If there are significant changes, we will notify you by posting a notice on our homepage and in the merchant admin area. By continuing to use PhpWp after these changes are posted, you agree to the revised policy.

By signing up for any of the products or services offered by PhpWp (collectively, the “Services”), you agree to the terms of this Privacy Policy and, where applicable, the PhpWp Terms of Service. This policy constitutes a legally binding agreement between you (and your client, employer, or another entity if you are acting on their behalf) as the user of the Services (referred to as “you” or “your”) and PhpWp.Net and its affiliates. Any new features or tools added to our Services will also be subject to this policy.

We are committed to keeping your Personal Information accurate, complete, and up-to-date with the information you provide to us. If you request access to your Personal Information, we will inform you of its existence, use, and disclosure as permitted by law, and provide you with access to that information.

Types of Information We Collect
From visitors to the PhpWp.Net website, we collect information about the device and browser you use, your network connection, and your IP address. We may also receive Personal Information when you purchase subscriptions or make other requests to PhpWp.
From users of chat support, we collect your name, email address, information about the device and browser you use, your network connection, and your IP address.
From forum users, we collect your name, email address, and website URL.
We use this information to service your account, enhance our Services, and address any questions you may have.

When Do We Collect this Information?
We collect this information when you visit our website or interact with us by email, web form, instant message, live chat, or post content on our website (including forums, product update requests). We also collect any additional information you may provide to us.

Use of Information
PhpWp may use and disclose information as described in this document. In addition to the uses described herein, we may use information for purposes such as order fulfillment and administration, product surveys, billing and audits, and other similar uses. We only collect, use, and disclose personal information or non-personal information for purposes that are reasonable in the circumstances. We use only fair and lawful means to collect information. We reserve the right to use or disclose aggregated information and Business Contact Information in ways that we deem appropriate.

We do not permit individuals under the age of thirteen to become members of this site. If you are under the age of 13, please do not provide personal information to us.

Links to Other Websites
When you click on a link on this website that directs you to a website operated by another company, you will be subject to that company’s website privacy policies.

Contact Information
If you have any questions about this policy or our site, please feel free to contact us using the email address support@PhpWp.Net.

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